Fact: 92% Of Humans Are Mineral Deficient.

  • The soil has 38% less mineral content than 50 years ago. We reflect the soil.

  • Almost every illness or symptom can be traced back to a lack of mineral(s).

  • This is why the Remineralization of our inner and outer Earth is the foundation of our purpose.

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ASÉ (ah-shay)(n.)(Yoruba)

1.) The cosmic energy / divine life force that flows through all things. It represents the power to make things happen and produce change.

2.) Word of affirmation or power, meaning "& So It Is..." or "& So It Shall Be..."

Our recipe has been cultivated ceremoniously with much time and care to create a medicine worthy of this name. Asé is an all organic alchemical blend of earth. It’s composed of an infusion of cacao, adaptogens, minerals and functional mushrooms. We offer an ethically sourced medicine that is simultaneously healing, energizing and delicious.

This provides a drink that is able to awaken the body as a whole and sustain a persons energy throughout the day or night.

Global Impact

Asé prioritizes its global impact which is why profits are shared with initiatives which remineralize the soil, and preserve sacred lands/ cultures. 

Our packaging is backyard compostable. No micro plastic waste over here. Our pouches are made from cutting edge plant matter cellulose. 

With the rising intrigue into health products there is a surge in alternative options & compliments to coffee. We are grateful for these options, but have yet to find one with the same medicinal value, taste, and ethos as Asé.